fuzzy, black dogs

fuzzy, black dogs
The original three fuzzy, black dogs -- Bob, Ace and Lilly.

Phillip's Scenic Overlook

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Multiple Diagnosis Lead Nowhere

I don't normally do blogposts so close together, but I thought it would only be fair of me to let my readers weigh in on the situation at hand.

It seems my 'doctor' -- which he isn't since he's only a physicians assistant -- isn't sure what I have. My fever hasn't yet abated and most of my bumps, with only two notable exceptions, seem to have dissipated. The two interlopers have gotten bigger and uglier!

Regardless, he's asked me to come in again today so they can take a look at the two evil bumps. He still seems to think I have chicken pox, though, according to my blood work, I could have any number of things which are most likely contagious since I still have a fever.

This is where you get to weigh in, dear readers, to make a guess as to what I have. I don't know how big the money pot has gotten to; I may be worth a fortune right now!

Here is where we stand.

My mother-in-law and her neighbor have both diagnosed me as having shingles. While I usually trust her judgment, I trust my Mom's too. My Mom's money is on a rash and the flu that just happen to coincide.

My dearest, darling son says I have Mad Cow Disease or possibly some psychological dysfunction and I'm bringing this on myself. My wife said simply "you've just got the first grade crud. Now get over it!"

My son's pediatrician, a real medical doctor, told me she could diagnose me. I just have to come in for a visit. My father, also a real doctor, gave me a number of things and told me he loved me. Doctors have the worst sense of humor...

My 'doctor' seems to still be under the assumption that it's chicken pox. The medical student he brought in to see me had no idea, giggled and then asked for options from which she could choose.

Which leaves me... Well, nowhere. So this is your chance, dear readers, to comment and tell me what you think I have.

While I can't promise the winner any money, I can promise you the satisfaction of knowing you were the one who got it right.

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