fuzzy, black dogs

fuzzy, black dogs
The original three fuzzy, black dogs -- Bob, Ace and Lilly.

Phillip's Scenic Overlook

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Dessert Difficulties Simplified

 Around my house, we take food seriously.

We formulate menus for the week. We strategize and plan our grocery lists meticulously. I proofread both for any misspellings or other unwanted grammatical mistakes or food items. And our grocery trips? Carried out with the surgical precision of a US Navy S.E.A.L. team strike.

The one area we tend to falter over is dessert. Dessert is... Well, it's difficult, to put a word to it.

We have certain parameters that our desserts have to follow. I don't eat tree nuts, so that rules out anything with pecans, walnuts, pistachios and the like. My wife is gluten sensitive, so it also has to be gluten free. Her father can't eat it if it doesn't contain raisins. Not really. I just made that up.

Needless to say, I tend to make approximately 98.3 percent of the desserts we consume. The other 1.7 percent of the time, we are purchasing something that potentially all three of us can consume AND will like.

I love root beer and and root beer flavored stuff, like Oreo cookies, for example. My two home companions (the dog excluded), do not. The two humans I cohabitate with like fruits and things on and in their desserts.

The fact of the matter is that if it can be misconstrued as healthy, it ain't dessert!

So what do my wife and I do when faced with just such a dessert dilemma while grocery shopping?

Never fear! For all those with dessert woes, I have come up with a failproof system.

Now when faced with this previously dire situation, my wife and I channel our amazing S.E.A.L. team skills and fall back on what works:

When in doubt, chocolate out.

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