'Twas the day before break
And all through the classrooms
The teachers were stressing
In Meets, Canvas and Zooms.
For you see the pandemic
Created an academic mess.
It seems virtual education
Is an absolute stress!
Some children were nestled
Snuggled up in their beds,
While others played, cartwheeled,
Or stood on their heads.
Each teacher in their own
Little space they called work,
Developing lesson plans,
Spasms, and jerks...
Plans that would guide,
Hopefully teach and engage
Knowledge-hungry students,
No matter their age.
As the slide Window opened
A loud noise pierced my ear.
Someone's dog barked shrilly
When the Fed-Ex man appeared.
Then the light of heaven
Shown bright in my eyes...
Oh, Johnny's cam was pointed
Up into sunny, bright skies.
Then, wonder of wonder,
But who should appear?
It was Clive, my student
I haven't seen all year!
I dashed to my Powerschool
Roster super quick
And nimbly marked him
'Present,' clickety click!
More rapid than meerkats,
In a blink he was gone!
I asked my friends, "Did YOU
Guys see Clive? Was he on?"
"Well Johnny? Well Judy?
Help me Buddy! Help Masie!
I just saw him right there!
I know I'm not crazy!"
At the top of the screen
Clive showed up again,
Unmuted and screaming
At his big brother Ben.
"Mute yourself please!
We've a lesson to learn!
Addends are important...
I attempted my lesson
And started anew,
But Clive stole the show.
We all knew it was true.
And then in a twinkling,
I came up with a plan.
"Math Scavenger Hunt!"
I yelled. "Ann, get one can!"
"Bob find two books.
And Judy, three clothes.
Buddy, four pencils.
Now Suzy, five gift bows."
"And Clive, this is most
Important of all...
Go find six puppies,
But they have to be small."
Clive turned and he dashed.
His camera went dark.
"Mr. Haworth," I said
To myself, "you're too smart!"
The online room became calm.
The students' voices abated.
I could finally impart
Some knowledge while we waited
On Clive to appear
With his impossible task.
I'm not sure how I did it,
But I knew just what to ask.
I restarted my lesson.
We began on number three...
Seven plus nine,
Plus blank equals twenty.
I reached for a book
And as I turned around,
I heard the bang of a door
And some whining sound.
A camera flicked on
And, well, there stood Clive
Holding a large box
Filled with something... alive?
He spoke not a word.
He opened the box.
Out jumped puppy
Number one like a fox!
As five more spilled out,
My students went crazy,
Including the littlest and
Shyest of all -- dear Maisie!
With my head in my hands
I gave a low whistle.
Away went my plans
Like the down of a thistle.
As I closed my eyes
And took a deep breath,
I heard, "Who's that new kid?
Her name's Elsabeth!"*
*(Special note for my non-teacher friends: When we get observed in virtual classrooms, our assistant principals, principals, superintendents, or whoever is evaluating our performance 'show up,' they simply appear as a name on the screen.)